Release Notes

8 months ago

Fix “locked” issue

a year ago
  • Bump Version
  • Removed Firebase
  • Minor bug fixes
a year ago

Sorry for the lack of updates, more news coming soon! Been busy IRL so I couldn’t work on Notessimo as much as I would like.

  • Fix discourse patreon plugins with missing custom fields
  • Fix memory issue / corrupted file on video export
  • Default Super Mario Paint import “Tempo Compress” to multiple of 4 to ensure measures alignment
  • Fix entitlements (iOS)
  • Fix mac retina display issue (thanks Antonim for testing!)
  • Fix missing arm64 arch support on some library for mac (M1)
  • Fix default window size on mac
  • Fix cursor being bigger on mac (temp fix, some cursors are not ported)
  • Update to all social media (YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, TikTok, etc.)
  • Support for using videos for backgrounds / overlays (WebM supports transparency, maybe some other formats as well depending on the platform, see Unity’s list) on video export
  • Support for changing the colors of the staff on video export
  • Add support for MP4 (video export), Windows only
  • Default to 48khz for audio output (instead of 44.1khz)
  • Fix multiples bugs / crash reports
2 years ago
  • Support for Super Mario Paint file format (.txt)
  • Support for “Double Sharps” and “Double Flats”
2 years ago


  • Watermark for video always above
  • Fix video export being clunky when rendering faster than the target frame rate
  • Fix “Stop” button no longer working
2 years ago
  • Missing OGG / MP3 encoder on iOS / Android
  • Fix exporter area on iOS / Android / Mac
  • Fix camera position resetting on export
  • Fix missing plugins to export on Android / Mac
  • Allow non-logged user to export audio
  • Prevent changing tempo / key / time in read only
  • Fix audio export ending prematurely
  • Better icon for Mac
  • Colored tags for bug fix / feature request in forum
  • Fix visual bug in compose menu
  • Faster export on desktop
  • Video Export with customizations! (AVI support only)
2 years ago
  • Fix crash report about tweens
  • Fix Lexas bug
  • Fix volume normalization of instruments (requires to create a new song to not impact previous song)
  • Fix crackling when playing song before a dynamic sound was finished
  • Fix playhead sometimes not stopping properly
  • Fix preview icon being stretched
  • Fix loading 512x512
  • Fix “Key” in description website
  • Tweaked color for note length
  • Tweaked colors for Dark Mode
  • No auto-silence in read-only mode
  • Reworked native file dialog
  • Export Audio (WAV / MP3 / OGG)
  • Bigger Note Glyph
2 years ago
  • Fix “sheet” list not being properly reset when changing song
  • Fix out of bounds piano inputs
  • Scale down icons past a certain threshold in composer mode for more details (can be turned off in “preferences” with Zoom Scale toggle)
  • Fix black bar on sheet volume ui
  • Read Only Mode now available for all. Any public songs are read-only by defaults until a click on the button (top left corner) and select “Make a Remix!”.
  • Added popups / notice to download the native app in web version.
2 years ago
  • Various bug fixes
  • Fix prioritization of “hit test”
  • When shrinking sheet, remove all empty measures instead of one at a time
  • Fix undo when camera is outside the dimension of the song
  • Fix bugs in sheet editors
  • Do not automatically shrink measures when moving notes
  • Reset cursor after move
  • Fix performance and memory usage on “hover”
  • Fix shrink sometimes not working
  • Space now toggle last “play”
  • Properly reset zoom value on loading new song
  • Prevent autoplay on import file
  • Up maximum volume to 20dB using slider, 50dB with text input
  • Fix clearing empty cursor
  • Fix saving last community website page in ios / android / mac
  • Tweak long press for the dropdown (cut, copy, etc.) to only occurs on “release” to allow easier “move” motion
  • Fix multi select on touch devices even on “long press” trigger
  • Fix search input being all white
  • Fix centering navbar
  • Fix piano sounds “clicks”
  • Fix some sounds not being turned off when playing piano while previewing selection
  • Rewrote part of the code for adding notes for piano record (hopefully I haven’t broke anything)
  • Fix piano brush once added to song
  • Fix android vulkan to 2 swapchain buffer instead of 3 for better responsiveness
  • Fix API requests for liked / search instruments on sidebar
  • Fix invisible measures when undo on different tracks
  • Record Piano (experimental, still need works)
2 years ago
  • Fix another distortion issue
2 years ago
  • Fix audio distortion in certain circumstances
2 years ago
  • Multiple bug fixes
  • Fix song dimension
  • Fix import
  • Fix duplicating new sheet
  • Fix MIDI error
  • Fix error GetTouch
  • Better scrollbar on community website
  • Added navigation buttons on community website for Windows / Mac
  • Remember page between main website and community
  • Add refresh button on Windows / Mac
  • Fix shift and other keyboard keys not working with input
  • Fix MOD playback
  • Fix deleting multiple tracks
  • Fix some songs not being able to play in embed
  • Better “hit test” on notes
2 years ago
2 years ago

Early Access (alpha) release!

2 years ago
  • Preparing for the alpha…
2 years ago
  • Better V3 compatibility
  • Fixed dotted lines / measures with empty spaces
  • Fix measures text bounds
  • Fix touch hover issues
  • Fix threading issue and sync image / audio
  • More accurate seeking and dynamic audio tap
  • Fix note displayed value
  • Fix piano distortion
  • Switch to new CDN
  • Track viewer (zoom out!)
2 years ago
  • Show featured playlists / soundfonts for all
  • Upload instruments directly inside a soundfont
  • Better click on notes
  • Better occlusion
  • Show length
  • Added note value / accidentals
  • Beat separators
  • Cursors
  • Switch track / layer / instrument on note tap
  • Tweaked note resolutions
  • Fixed notes order
  • Undo / redo data
2 years ago
  • Happy new year :tada:
  • Update to .NET 6
  • Fix “back” history issue with player
  • Fix V3 converter on multi-samples instruments
  • Updated all legacy icons with higher resolutions variants
  • Update nextjs to 12.1.4
  • “Chat” beta enabled in community
  • Update firebase to 8.8.0
  • Fix dragging scrollbar
  • Fix app banner on ios
  • Revert to using React 17 because of bug in safari ios
  • Fix “flash” on resize on scroller
  • Icon Picker
  • Instrument Uploads (SF2 / MODs / WAV / MP3 / OGG support)
  • Allow to re-order tags
  • Improve performance while scrolling
  • Improve invalidate performance
  • Smoother lines display (less antialias)
  • Downgrade MSAA
  • Fix converter issue when multiple instruments were identical
  • Decrease build size
  • Fix progress bar when loading player to be more accurate
  • Fix bug where song would jump to the next one unexpectedly
  • Smoother scaling on album / avatar images
  • Fix minimum / maximum zoom value to be more consistent
  • Added keyboard inputs (arrows / + / -)
  • Fix border on sprite
  • Fix wrong image type being detected at upload
  • Use CDN for images
  • MIDI inputs on piano (WebGL / Windows)
  • Experimental controller support
  • Black outline on icons
  • Automatic tags art / description
  • More search function (playlists / soundfonts)
  • Fix multithread issue with converter
3 years ago
  • Allow to edit Tag information
  • Fix iOS audio after interrupt
  • Fix “private” song edit not working
  • Fix “flash” when switching fullscreen in WebGL
  • Update Unity yo 2021.1.28f1
  • Fix embed player on community
  • Change how measures auto-hide
  • Search category (songs / instruments / users)
  • Tag Edit popup for Mods
  • Added art to tags (replace instruments one)
  • Update next-auth
  • Separate image optimization as a separate service
  • Optimized config server
  • Fix playlist showing empty sometimes
  • Better history psuh / replace
  • Fix “likes” number being wrong
  • Allow to filter by “private” on user page
  • Apple Sign In
  • Universal links for iOS / MAc
  • App links for Android
  • Fix active playlist on sidebar
  • Fix play button loading state
  • Makes sure to have no-index on private page
  • MP3 Encoder
  • OGG Encoder
  • Fix performance issue on page regeneration
  • Automatic compression of WAV sample to OGG
  • Smaller docker size
  • Update nextjs to 12.4.0
  • Update react to 18 beta
  • Better cache system on WebGL
  • Cleanup cache data left by newer version
  • Put cache in subfolders to limit total number of files
  • Revamp icons system
  • More accurate loading
  • Usages pages, see list of instruments in a song or songs using an instrument, etc.
3 years ago
  • New FPS / RAM Monitor
  • Fix preferences crash on mobile
  • Fix Windows comms betwen webview
  • Fix autoscroll on mobile
  • New rounded transparent scrollbars
  • Fix SSL support on older browser
  • Fix JS / CSS for older browser
  • Fix comms on android
  • Fix rare crash that could happens when load a song
  • Cleanup native WebView plugins
  • Fix avatar image cache
  • New uploads window
  • Tags selector component
  • Fix font not loading
  • Update NextJS to 11.1.2
  • Activate Sharp for faster image compression
  • Fix scrollbar color on iOS
  • Better icon in PWA
  • Better image loading graphics in app
  • Notch support
  • Better timeline UX in mobile mode
  • Open new window if domain is not
  • Better touch / mouse controls
  • Loading screen on iOS
  • Tap play note / Long Press open piano
  • Easier to get all the way to the edge on timeline in mobile mode
  • Fix notes disappearing under certains circumstances
  • Move will stops if offscreen
  • Better scroll performance on iOS
  • Allow GIF for avatar in player
  • Better scale image routine and GIF decoder
  • Show navbar icon on mobile
  • Disable system gesture on iOS
  • Sign out now sign out on community website as well
  • Better line graphics when MSAA is turned off
  • Changed all select and checkbox to custom component
  • Fix error handling in API requests
  • Fix react component not mounted and still doing state change
  • Fix wrong avatar when using letter avatar
  • Center G Clef
  • Allow to delete own song
  • Allow to put song in “private”
  • Various fix for Android version
  • Share popup
  • Report popup
3 years ago
  • Update to Postgres 13 (website / community)
  • Fix mac upload to store
  • Fix description not being properly rendered
  • Fix android rendering performance
  • Fix crash due to FPS counter
  • Fix popup scrolling on mobile
  • Better slider dragging on mobile
  • Fix loading songs on community
  • Fix player UI on mobile
  • Move scrollbar on middle element
  • Disabled HTML player (for now)
  • Device orientation detection, landscape is always fullscreen (on mobile)
  • Fix crash on iOS when user force close app
  • WebView on mobile (iOS / Android)
  • Fix font CORS issue
3 years ago
  • Tweak web UI
  • Fix crash on windows when scrolling
  • Community front page don’t include songs / instruments (except own’s posts or one with replies). Less spammy.
  • Fix progress bar for player
  • Fix bad link to font in dev
  • Update Firebase to 8.0.0
  • Updated NextJS to 11
  • Optimized Scroller
  • Optimized bandwidth on some API call
  • Better fade when song stops at the end
  • Smaller lyrics font
  • Preload next / previous song
  • Fix error handling when download fails
  • Playlist! (and soundfont!)
3 years ago
  • Fix wrong HDPI value
  • Fix release pipeline
  • Fix loading instruments
  • Queue / History system
  • Removed “Open” button (will be available in the “+” button instead)
  • Display version in console
  • Fix broken testing player
  • Previous / Next / Queue button
3 years ago
  • Fix piano
  • Better player resize on web
  • Liked Page
  • Fix likes sorting
  • Fix release pipeline for windows
  • Allow likes on unlisted and own songs / instruments (do not count for total but will appears on “liked” page)
  • Added underline to links in player
  • Song info / album art on bottom left of player
  • Preferences now a web page instead of being in the player
3 years ago
  • Fix download bar on forum player
3 years ago
  • Fix details
  • Fix CORS on all domains
  • More SEO fixes (nav, aria, schema, etc)
  • Optimized postgres indexes
  • Production GIPHY api key
  • Changed “Metal, Rock” to “Rock”
  • Sitemaps
  • Fix service worker error
  • Minor CSS tweaks
  • Fix stuck hover state on sidebar
  • Fix first lyrics not showing background
  • Likes button on website
  • Updated nextjs / next-auth to latest
  • Fix crackling issue on notes that had a tick delay
  • Fix crash on Amalar Rising
  • Revamp UI of player
  • CI for nightly windows build
  • Piano
  • Fix alloc on tweening engine
3 years ago
  • Test output videos + post on social media
  • Fix typo in placeholder popup
  • Fix release tagging
  • Switch for Google Tag Manager for analytics
  • Fix “Alpha Testers” group in community (+ patreon maestro tier)
  • Added color for Patron users
  • Fix wrong sample rate being used
3 years ago
  • Allow to download old background file
  • Fix email bouncing score
  • Fix crashing in unity
  • Fix when uploading NOTE that have files too big inside
  • Fix uploads animation going backward
  • More social meta tags
  • Lyrics enabled by default
  • Added a black background to lyrics for easier reading
  • Granted “Alpha Testers” to all maestro and staff
  • Enable community sitemap
  • Cleanup community categories a bit
  • Enabled Voting plugins in “Feature Request” (Community)
  • Enabled Solved Answers plugins in “Helps & Tips” (Community)
3 years ago
  • Allow to revert to old album art to re-position to contain
  • Invalidate release note pages
  • Tweak settings for fpm on
  • Redirect
  • Allow to edit entry without updating discourse
  • Fix some more redirects
  • Fix 404 after uploading song and automatic embed on forum
  • Better tag trimming
  • Fix embed on instruments
  • Migrated the database for web / discourse as separate cluster
  • Fix header of community on mobile
  • Themed social media account
  • Add social media meta tag in header
  • Added Patreon login + Groups for supporters
  • Fix Discord Login
3 years ago
  • Fix playback on old website
3 years ago
  • Changed CDN
3 years ago
  • Fix error album URL
3 years ago
  • Moved to a new backend
  • Migrated the old website
  • New website launch :tada:!!!
3 years ago
  • Mobile CSS tweaks
  • Fix ios popup
  • Optimize hero header on mobile
  • SEO tweaks
  • Fix network requests issue with etag
  • Fix order of player
  • Fix dropdown toggle
  • Adjust popup on mobile
  • Fix hydration on User / Tag pages
  • Move builds / nextjs into Dockers and into a Kubernetes Cluster
  • Add CDNs for static assets + players
3 years ago
  • Fix navbar on mobile web
  • Improve performance of scroll list
  • Embed player on community website
  • About page for User
  • Featured Topic can be set as the about page for User
  • Improved importer IPB → Discourse
  • Allow embeds (youtube / soundcloud / etc) in song page
  • Replaced momentjs with dayjs + improve initial page size
  • Removed bootstrap from dependencies
  • Added sidebar
  • Search will auto-redirect to page
  • Navigation button (back / forward)
  • Navbar change to page title when scrolling down
  • Re-design and polish of the website
  • Removed most of the dependencies
  • Improved lighthouse score
  • Tons of other stuff
4 years ago
  • UI start hidden
4 years ago

Testing release

4 years ago
  • Colors username / group
  • Have a separate build for older mac (10.12 and lower)
  • Optimization Website (removed dependencies on discourse)
  • Installable as a PWA
  • Fix autoplay in iframe
4 years ago
  • Happy new year!
  • Tweaked Image component from nextjs
  • Optimized scroller for mobile
  • Default colors when no album art is available
  • Re-designed user page
  • Liked By sort on user page
4 years ago
  • Discord integration
  • Analytics / Crash Reports ON
  • Fixed bug in unity wait frame for ios
  • Fixed race condition crash on ios when updating media
  • Fixed non-fatal issue when detecting test lab on android
  • Various improvement to the website to improve lighthouse score
  • Use the new image optimizer from nextjs
  • Better search results
4 years ago
  • Fix missing gzip compression on data file
  • Removed dynamic batching
  • Fix dragging handle bar on player ios web
  • Fix Safe Area on iOS at startup
  • Fix leak in scroller in browse page
  • Scroll restoration when going back / forward in history
  • Changed getServerSideProps to getStaticProps to eliminate roundtrip to server
  • Better instruments display
4 years ago
  • Fix crash in media center ios
  • Removed graphics job option
  • Disabled multithread rendering on mobile
  • Fix listens count
  • Design tweak for item list / page for mobile
  • Removed audio plugin from Graphy
4 years ago
  • Re-design of item list
  • Re-design of song page
  • Update Odin to 3.0.3
  • Update Unity to 2020.2.1f1
  • Compensated Smoother Delta Time now default timer
  • Removed incremental GC
  • Disabled GC by default (manual call only after loading a song)
  • iOS use XCode 12
  • Remove null check / array bounds in critical code path
  • API to optimize album art (+ pick dominant colors)
  • Removed carousel on front page
4 years ago
  • Auto play / send message template html
  • Added new timer options
  • Update to Unity 2020.2
  • Removed URP from list of renderer (+URP related settings)
  • Update Odin to 3.0.2
  • Always-on player on website
  • Re-design song page
  • Add expand button (only works on new website)
  • Re-design browse pages with infinite scroll
  • Change domain for iframe (kicks multithread on chrome / edge, works w/ fission enabled in firefox nigthly)
  • Fix TranslucentImageSource resize
4 years ago
  • Fix singular space in Lyrics missing
  • Enable ‘lock’ setting in native
  • Fix performance issue in sample looping
  • Better clamping for sample
  • Remove notes clamping
4 years ago
  • Fix stale values in PlayerPref
  • Fix version output in CLI
  • Fix versioning in CLI
  • Lyrics
4 years ago
  • Fix note tapping on MODs
  • Fix release action
  • Tapped note stops when song play
4 years ago
  • Better precision on notes start
  • Tests now includes V4 bytes
  • Fix inaccuracy in individual sample WAV exporter
  • Output version on CLI
  • Tag Release on all repos
4 years ago
  • Tween circle in timeline
  • Prevent taping note when song is playing
  • Breakdown sheets with mismatching tempo, most noticeable @ 3:37 on TTFAF
  • Fix “Sine not properly tuned” (Spark Engine)
  • Fix sheet placement / speed mismatch (I never knew you @ 3:50)
  • Fix “sample” instrument note length
  • Fix icon pivot
  • Remove skip button until playlist are implemented
  • Fix volume on brush when over 100%
4 years ago
  • Keeping track of release notes
  • Use .NET5 for CLI
4 years ago

No notes

4 years ago

No notes

4 years ago

No notes

4 years ago

No notes

4 years ago

No notes

4 years ago

No notes

4 years ago

No notes

4 years ago

No notes

4 years ago

No notes

4 years ago

No notes

4 years ago

Initial release for the new player on the website